Social Studies Questions for BECE and JHS1 and 2 Students
We have shared with you our Social Studies Questions for BECE and JHS1 and 2 Students. Students preparing for the BECE should solve these questions fully.
Social Studies Questions for BECE and JHS1 and 2 Students – Subjective Test
Q1. Explain the difference between the Eclipse of the Moon and the Eclipse of the sun. Support the answer will a well-labeled diagram to score full marks.
Q2. What is Harmattan weather? Give three characteristics of the weather and three effects of it.
Q3. Explain any four negative contributions of the Slave trade to Ghana
Q5. Describe the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Q6. Explain five contributions of rivers to the social economic development of Ghana.
Q7. What is saving and how is it different from investment
Q8. What is population Census? Give three reasons why nations carry out population censuses.
Social Studies Questions for BECE and JHS1 and 2 Students – Objective Test
For Full questions with marking schemes -Go here [Sample JHS3 Mock Questions (BECE Mock Questions): English, RME & Int Science
Answer all questions in this section by shading the correct answer from the options lettered A-D.
1. Which of the following led the British to Gold Coast?
A. Don Diogo d’Azambujah
B. Captain Guggisburg
C. Captain Windham
D. Commander Hill
2. Which Europeans where the last to leave Gold Coast?
A. Danes
B. Dutch
C. Portuguese
D. British
3. The following are European countries except….
A. San Marino
B. Sweden
C. Mexico
D. Belarus
4. The world’s third ocean is the ………
A. Pacific ocean
B. Indian ocean
C. Artic ocean
D. Southern ocean
5. The ratio of those who are not working to those who are working is..
A. Working class ratio
B. Labour force ratio
C. Dependency ratio
D. Population ratio
6. The Ga-Adamgbe migrated from….
A. Nigeria B. Benin
C. Ghana D. Mali.
7. The natural vegetative cover of the environment being destroyed by human activities is called…..
A. Land degradation
B. Deforestation
C. Desertification
D. Pollution
8. In Ghana, manganese is mostly mined in …
A. Saltpond
B. Prestea
C. Nsuta
D. Wenchi
9. The following are primary productions except….
A. Quarrying
B. Mining
C. Herding
D. Shoemaking
10. Who designed the Coat-of-Arms ?
A. Amon Kotei
B. Ephraim Amu
C. Theodosia Okoh
D. Veronica Amoah
11. The movement of the earth around the sun is called….
A. Rotation
B. Orbit
C. Seasoning
D. Revolution
12. The largest lagoon in Ghana is …
A. Korle lagoon
B. Keta lagoon
C. Songshaw lagoon
D. Muni lagoon
13. Which of the following instruments is used to measure atmospheric pressure ?
A. Anemometer
B. Hygrometer
C. Octal
D. Barometer
14. ECOWAS is made up of ……… countries.
A. Twenty
B. Twelve
C. Sixteen
D. Fifteen
Social Studies Questions for BECE and JHS1 and 2 Students
15. The outermost layer of the earth is ….
A. Crust
B. Core
C. Mantle
D. Rocks
16. A narrow lying ground between two highland areas is called…..
A. Valley
B. Ridge
C. Spur
D. Escarpment
17. Which of the following best explains NEPAD ?
A. National Environmental Practice And Development.
B. New Programme for African Development
C. National Emigrants for Peace And Development.
D. New Partnership for Africa’s Development
18. The …… were the Europeans who drove away the Portuguese from Gold Coast.
A. Danes
B. Swedish
C. British
D. Dutch
19. In which year was the Sagrenti war fought ?
A. 1900
B. 1784
C. 1874
D. 1924
20. Which of the following does Ghana share border with in the south ?
A. Ivory Coast
B. Burkina Faso
C. Gulf of Guinea
D. Togo
21. Moist air rising as a result of heating forms …..
A. Relief rainfall
B. Convectional
C. Orographic rainfall
D. Cyclonic rainfall
22. The major rainfall seasons in Ghana begins from …….
A. April – August
B. April – July
C. March – July
D. March – August
23. The longest river in Ghana is called ..
A. River Densu
B. Ayensu River
C. River Ankobra
D. Volta River
24. Water bodies existing in an area is …
A. Escarpment B. Ridges
C. Drainage D. Plateau
25. The formal promise Ghanaians make in public to show their resolve to protect the country is called …..
A. Oath
B. National Anthem
C. National Pledge
D. Elections