2024 BECE: Likely RME Questions
All 2024 BECE candidates should expect some of these questions in the 2024 Basic Education Certificate Examination. These questions were selected based on past experiences. Some of these questions were also selected from past questions and approved topics.
1. Value for life is a moral lesson in the:
A) First Commandment.
B) Sixth Commandment.
C) Tenth Commandment.
D) Ninth Commandment.
2. Non-religious songs mostly deal with:
A) religious issues.
B) social issues.
C) academic issues.
D) spiritual issues.
3. The sixth commandment in the Bible warns Christians not to:
A) fornicate.
B) gossip.
C) kill.
D) steal.
4. The Ten Commandments from God help:
A) to check the business of people.
B) people to pass their exams.
C) check the business of God.
D) regulate the behaviour of people.
5. Using honest means to achieve wealth is a moral lesson from the book of:
A) Epistle of James.
B) Revelation.
C) Matthew.
D) Proverb.
6. One of the major moral lessons in the Qur’an is:
A) riches.
B) attitude.
C) steadfastness.
D) laziness.
7. Sources of morality in Christian religion include the Ten Commandments and the:
A) Epistle of James.
B) Hadith.
C) Sunna.
D) Books.
8. A person who is humble:
A) tells everybody what they should do.
B) listens to advice.
C) thinks he is better than others.
D) looks down upon other people.
9. Living a pure life, being spiritual, and happier are associated with:
A) immorality.
B) chastity.
C) teenage pregnancy.
D) peer pressure.
10. Performing our responsibilities in society leads to:
A) progress.
B) righteousness.
C) chastity.
D) disorder.
READ ALSO: 2024 BECE; Likely Integrated Science Objectives Questions
11. Teenage pregnancy cannot be prevented by:
A) s3x education.
B) peer pressure.
C) good parental care.
D) avoiding pre-marital s3x.
12. Work done purposely to earn income for a living can be described as:
A) school work.
B) occupational work.
C) community work.
D) home work.
13. Avoiding casual s3x is one of the measures adopted to:
A) maintain chastity.
B) stay away for God.
C) love the world.
D) engage in s3xual activities.
14. Every child in the community has the responsibility to:
A) wake his parents up from bed.
B) request his parents to organize a party.
C) invite his friends to his house.
D) do household duties.
15. Hard work is always rewarded with:
A) obedience.
B) success.
C) favours.
D) popularity.
16. Carrying out one’s responsibility is necessary because it:
A) pleases God and humankind.
B) leads to the fulfilment of promises.
C) attracts hatred from enemies.
D) leads to the pacification of the gods.
17. According to the Bible, people who do not work will:
A) have food from God.
B) enjoy their fruit.
C) not eat.
D) eat from their parents.
18. The last six of the Ten Commandments teach us to:
A) see God as the creator.
B) see God as being powerful.
C) live our lives as good neighbours.
D) respect and honour God.
19. One of the religious benefits of rivers is that rivers are used for:
A) baptism.
B) mining gold.
C) Transportation.
D) fishing.
20. Be good to friends and neighbours, as taught by the Hadith, implies:
A) patience.
B) faithfulness.
C) friendliness.
D) tolerance.
21. God created light to:
A) give humankind the wet and dry seasons.
B) separate the land from the sea.
C) give humankind sky and water.
D) determine day and night.
22. Most Christians sing religious songs anytime they are:
A) hungry.
B) angry.
C) sad.
D) sleeping.
23. Humankind was not created by God to dominate:
A) creeping plants.
B) birds of the air.
C) spirits of the earth.
D) fishes of the sea.
24. During prayers, Muslims usually:
A) sing religious songs.
B) sing non-religious songs.
C) recite some parts of the Qur’an.
D) recite some parts of the Bible.
25. Which of the following creations helps in the production of salt for human use?
A) Moon
B) Plant
C) Animals
D) Sun
26. Plants were created to provide man with:
A) air.
B) water.
C) salt.
D) soil.
27. In which Christian recitation is the statement, “And lead us not into temptation?”
A) Psalm 23
B) Apostle Creed
C) The Qur’an
D) Lord’s prayer.
28. The Ten Commandments as part of Christian religious recitation highlight:
A) fighting against enemies.
B) love for others.
C) hatred towards others.
D) worship of other gods.
29. The beatitudes are Christian recitations showing the kind of people God will:
A) curse.
B) bless.
C) help to inherit the heaven.
D) let them lose battles.
30. The Adhan is an Islamic recitation sang by the Muezzin to:
A) teach them about the Quran.
B) call them to prayers.
C) scare the devil away.
D) bring them to party.
31. Religious songs and recitations help to:
A) discourage people in life.
B) make people rich in life.
C) encourage people in life.
D) respect people in life.
32. Which of the following Islamic recitations raises greetings and praises upon the Prophet?
A) Shahada
B) Al – Tahajud
C) Salawat
D) The Lord’s prayer
33. According to the Shahadah, “I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and ………”
A) I shall worship Him only.
B) I shall not sin against Him.
C) Mohammed is His messenger.
D) he who worships Allah shall have eternal life.
34. Folktales are to be encouraged in our society because they:
A) are short.
B) are long to confuse people.
C) contain music.
D) contain moral lessons.
35. The name given to the 112th Surah of the holy Qur’an is known as:
A) Shahada.
B) Salawat.
C) Ikhlas.
D) Fathia.
36. The Sermon on the Mount is in the book of:
A) Genesis
B) Proverbs.
C) Matthew
D) Revelation.
37. One of the moral lessons in the Beatitudes of Jesus Christ is that:
A) we must turn away from our sins.
B) we must remain poor.
C) we should fight against poverty.
D) Christians would be praised in Heaven.
38. The Holy Qur’an forbids Muslims to engage in:
A) hard work.
B) riches.
C) worship.
D) evil.
39. According to the Qur’an, Allah would show mercy to people who:
A) are rich.
B) are merciful to others.
C) are poor.
D) pray in congregations every day.
40. One of the moral lessons from the Hadith in the Islamic religion is:
A) fighting against the poor.
B) to engage in trading activities.
C) to entertain ourselves.
D) to care for the elderly.
This will make a change in my BECE
We are all preparing for this examination I hope I will reach my expectations ????.