WASSCE English Language Mock 1 (Free Online Mock)
All school candidates preparing for the 2023 WASSCE can now solve our WASSCE English Language Mock 1 (Free Online Mock).
If you are really preparing for the WASSCE, you should be able to solve these questions. If you are unable to solve them, use the answers provided to revise.
Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer for each.
Use the objective test answer-eliminating skills to make the right guess choice if you do not know the answer.
The steps to answering objective test questions correctly
- Read the question carefully and identify the type of question being asked.
- Read all the options provided, and eliminate obviously wrong choices.
- Consider each remaining option, and select the one that best answers the question based on your knowledge and understanding of the topic.
- If you’re unsure of the answer, use the process of elimination to narrow down your choices.
- Check your answer against the question to ensure that you have understood the question correctly and that your answer is appropriate.
READ: WASSCE 2023: Master These English Language Objective Questions
WASSCE English Language Mock 1 (Free Online Mock)
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