2024 BECE Career Tech/Creative Arts Mock 1 (Free Online Mock)
Welcome to the 2024 BECE Career Tech/Creative Arts Mock 1 (Free Online Mock). This is an online mock paper which is a free mock test by ExamHall.org to help candidates and students, in general, to practice online.
Basic Design and Technology is one of the elective subjects at the BECE level with Home Economics and Pre Technical Skills as the options available to students.
This mock contains 30 objective test questions. The Candidate is required to read each question carefully and then select the correct answer. After answering all the questions the candidate would be required to submit the online mock paper for instance grading.
2024 BECE Career Tech/Creative Arts Mock 1 (Free Online Mock)
Get ready to solve the BECE Career Tech/Creative Arts Mock 1 (Free Online Mock)
Objective Test – 40 minutes
READ: BECE English Language Mock 1 (Free Online Mock)
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Thanks very much for the test conducted, I think that would be okay of when I am being conducted most often on this , at least to check and enlighten me on my weakness and strength.
Please I need all the subject
Am very excited for being part of these mock test,in fact it can help in our way of writing our BECE exams, thanks a lots and we need more of this motivational questions.
Please I need BDT(Home Economics)
We will be uploading more tests. always come back and check for new tests on the site.
Thank you for this marvelous test I really appreciate it. Please can you send me all the subject please?
All questions and trial tests will be uploaded on the site. Do well to check the other subjects as well.
Thank you so much. I really enjoy doing the test. Please can you send me all the subject tests?
Thank you very much.I really appreciate your works. We need more subject please