Research Methodology Exam Questions For Research Students
Research Methodology Exam Questions For Research Students. This test contains both objective test questions and subjective test questions.
Research Methodology Exam Questions For Research Students
1. The possibility of a research study should be considered in light of:
a. Cost and time required to conduct the study
b. Access to gatekeepers and respondents
c. Potential ethical concerns
d. All of the above
2. Research that uses qualitative methods for one phase and uses the same method through the next phase is known as:
a. Continuous quantitative approach
b. Mixed-method research
c. Quantitative research
d. Pragmatic research
3. A variable that is not presumed to cause a change in another variable is called
a. Presumed variable
b. A dependent variable
c. An independent variable
d. A numerical variable
4. Researchers posit that performance-related pay increases employee motivation. What kind of variable is “performance-related pay” in this study?
a. Tested variable
b. Dependent
c. Independent
d. Known variable
5. Which of the following is an ethical practice in research with humans?
a. Maintaining participants’ anonymity
b. Not gaining informed consent
c. Informing participants that they are not free to withdraw at any time
d. Asking participants to continue with the study until it has been completed
6. What do we call data that are used for a new study but which were collected by an earlier researcher for a different set of research questions?
a. Secondary data
b. Field notes
c. Qualitative data
d. Primary data
7. When each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected, this is called:
a. A snowball sampling
b. A stratified sampling
c. A random probability sampling
d. A non-random sampling
8. ……is a standardize questionnaire used for a research without making changes to
a. Probed
b. Adopted
c. Adapted
d. Copied
9. When a standardize questionnaire is used but with changes or modifications to suit a new research, it is said to have been advantage of using a questionnaire is that:
a. Probed
b. Adopted
c. Adapted
d. Copied
10. Secondary data can include which of the following except?
a. Government statistics
b. Website information
c. Organizational records
d. Data form researchers own questionnaire
11. A research that will be conducted within a specified period of 60 months termed is termed
a. Longitudinal research
b. Investigative research
c. Cross sectional research
d. Period specific research
12. Which chapter in a project /research deals with methodology and analysis
a. Chapter 1 & 3
b. Chapter 2 & 3
c. Chapter 3 & 4
d. Chapter 4 only
13. The purpose of descriptive statistics in the chapter four of your research is to:
a. Summarize the characteristics of a data set
b. Draw conclusions from the data
c. None of the above
d. All of the above
14. Which part of a research report contains details of how the research was planned and conducted?
a. Methodology
b. Chapter 4
c. Chapter 2
d. Background
15. Which of the following is a form of research typically conducted by managers and other professionals to address issues in their organizations and/or professional practice?
a. Action research
b. Basic research
c. Professional research
d. Predictive research
16. Plagiarism can be avoided by:
a. Copying the work of others accurately
b. Paraphrasing the author’s text in your own words
c. Cut and pasting from the Internet
d. Quoting directly without revealing the source
17. Which of the following is not true about research?
a. It is a scientific enquiry
b. It is systematic
c. Less logic is used
d. Demands a lot of critical thinking
18. Which of the following is not a benefit of research?
a. Acquisition of new knowledge
b. Helps acquire respect
c. It lead to plagiarism
d. Helps acquire a degree
19. Which of the following is not a type of research?
a. Cross sectional
b. Diagnostics sectional
c. Applied research
d. Longitudinal research
20. …..are cause variables in research
a. Dependent variables
b. Independent variables
c. Reliable variables
d. Non reliable variables
21. Which of the following research types requires the use of questionnaires?
a. Quantilative
b. Quantitative
c. Qualitative
d. Non-probability
22. The Nazi’s injected cancer cells into humans to test for how many times their bones will heal before the cancer attacked them finally. This is an act of ……. in research
a. Good behavior
b. Ethical behaviour
c. Unethical behaviour
d. Scientific study
23. Gloria was forced to complete a research as a respondent against her will. What is the issue here
a. Respondents who start a research must complete to avoid spoiling the questionnaire
b. A respondent can decide to opt out of a research
c. She has no right to say she will not complete it
d. The researcher must convince her to continue at all cost.
24. Which of the following are unethical behaviours in research?
I. Seeking informed consent
II. Ensuring confidentiality
III. Respect the respondent’s withdrawal
IV. Debriefing respondent
a. I and IV
b. II and IV
c. I ,II and III
d. None of the above
25. Copying and plagiarism are seen as…………………….. in research
a. Academic smartness
b. Dishonesty
c. Academic dishonest
d. Referencing
Research Methodology Exam Questions For Research Students -SECTION B
Question one (1) is compulsory
Read the information below and answer the questions that follow.
The project carried out by Golda and Nancy, students of UG, aimed at analyzing the Dangers of writing a poor research paper on student morale at UG.
The paper revealed that students who have passed the research assessment are punctual throughout lectures.
It furthered that those who have had to re-sit the paper were scared of the programme right from lecture one.
During the research carried out by the two researchers, they forced some respondents to answer questions that made respondents to reveal their personal details. One such question was “How old are you?”
In some instances, they bribed the respondents to get the interview questions answered. The night before they started chapter four, they spent three hours answering 20 of the questionnaires themselves in their hostel. The research supervisor had also indicated that they must change the topic due to the poor work they have done. He refused to sign the research for the students, so they could not submit the final draft.
The two students believed that the research will help them know the interest of students in the study of research as well as the projected scores of the students in the November 2019 examination.
To achieve the above, they used 50 research students of UG out of the entire population of 350 who were taking the exams. To understand the data collected on the students, the researchers made use of Excel in their data interpretation efforts and finally drew conclusions from it.
The supervisor was very strict at ensuring the right things are done in the research. This made Golda and Nancy annoyed. They believe their supervisor was a wicked man and that he does not want them to graduate in December. Just as they left the office, they noticed, they have named chapter three as literature review.
Their paper suggested that students must take the study of research seriously because it can land them a job in the future.
Based on the abstract, identify
a. The topic [2 marks]
b. Sample size [2 marks]
c. Method and tool(s) [2 marks]
d. Objective(s) of the research (2 marks)
e. Findings [2 marks]
f. What are the ethical issues in the case above, and how should the students address them? (7 marks)
g. Recommendations of the researchers [2 marks]
h. Do you think the supervisor is right? Explain your answer (4 marks)
i. They have named chapter three as Literature Review… Give the correct name of the chapter and the components. (2 marks)
SECTION C: Answer only one question from this section
[a] State 4 benefits of research to the research student. [4 marks]
[c] Below is the data gathered from respondents and findings of the research on
Effect of COVID-19 on incomes of workers in Ghana – A survey of private school workers in Accra.
TABLE 1: Types of jobs lost by Private school teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana
[b] Using the data above write a brief chapter 4 section of under the following subheadings Workers’ educational background and Jobs lost. [16 marks]
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[a] Explain the following sampling methods (Simple random sampling and Stratified simplifying). [4 marks]
[a] Below is a Bio Data (Demographics) of respondents and some findings of the research on the
Effect of COVID-19 on incomes of workers in Ghana – A survey of private school workers in Accra.
Using the above finding presented in the tables, write a brief chapter 4 section of your
research under the Demographic of respondents [16 marks]
[A] Paraphrase this:
Physical activity is well associated with improved overall health. Among school-aged
children, physical activities programs help children develop social skills, improve mental
health, and reduce risk-taking behaviours.
Relatively few studies have explored the relationship between physical activity and academic outcomes, and more investigation is warranted before researchers can better understand the effect of physical activity on student performance.
This lack of evidence should not be considered as a reason to limit school physical education programs because they may affect the time spent on other subject areas.
There is evidence to suggest that short-term reasoning benefits of physical activity during the school day adequately reward for time spent away from other academic areas. [10 marks]
[b] Explain the following sampling methods
a. Simple random sampling
b. Cluster sampling
c. Convenient sampling