BECE RME Trial Test for JH3 students (Test 2)
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The BECE RME Trial Test for JH3 students (Test 2) Questions -SECTION A
Answer all the following objective tests Questions
1. A place where people live and belong is called a ………. A. religious home B. a house. C. a home D. a family
2. One purpose of studying religion is to……………… A. Know the main religions in Ghana B. Have long life C Know the will of God. D. Have a success
3. Mankind was thrown out of the Garden of Eden by God because … A. Mankind was growing in numbers B. Mankind was lazy. C. Mankind disobeyed God D. Mankind disobeyed the serpent.
4. In Islam, the prayer prayed during Islamic festivals is called……………………………… A. Ramadan prayer. B. Salat. C. Eud prayer D. Tahajjud
5. The behaviour of people either good or bad in society is called………………………. A. Rules B. Manners. C. Regulations. D. Orders
6. Most often children who refuse to take good advice become……
A. Drivers. B. Drug addicts. C. Prominent people. D. Smart
7. One way a Christian, a Muslim and a traditionalist can co-exist peacefully is to…… A. Pray together B. Practice religious tolerance C. Practice religious discrimination. D. Practice religious favouritism
8. What happens when the grass in an area is eaten up by animals without allowing it to grow? A. Erosion. B. Overgrazing. C. Mining. D. deforestation
9. The type of prayer offered on behalf of another person for various reasons is called… A. Congregational prayer. B. Prayer of intercession C. Prayer of Thanksgiving. D. Prayer of petition
10. The expression of friendly or welcoming words to people when they meet is called… A. Manners. B. Greetings C. Courtesy. D. Comportment
11. A person who does not greet others is considered to be…………………………… A. Well mannered. B. Uncivilized. C. Humble. D. Polite
12. The following deeds could result in anger except for A. Insults. B. Failure to get our needs. C. Teasing. D. Obedience
13. Sacrifices are usually made at the following places except. A. By Riverside. B. Shrines. C. At “T” junctions D. At the mosque
14. Giving the real facts about a situation, event or person is called…………………………… A. faithfulness. B. Gratitude. C. Truthfulness D. Friendliness
15. In Christianity, the most important moral value is A. Love B. Justice C. Comportment. D. Humanity
16. Decent dressing and good eating habits show. A. That one is morally trained. B. That one belongs to a rich family. C. That one is obedient to teachers. D. That one belongs to traditional society
17. The essence of Zakat is to…………………………… A. Give to the needy. B. Travel to Mecca C. Pray five times daily. D. Spread the religion of Islam
18. Cain killed Abel due to …………………………….. A. Jealousy. B. Misunderstanding. C. Forgetfulness. D. Selflessness
19. Talking whilst eating is not advisable because one may A. Expose the food in the mouth. B. Get choked by the food. C. Develop stomach pains. D. Make noise
20. What name is given to Muslim Congregational prayer? A. Sunnat. B. Salat. C. Jumah. D. Jumat
21. What name is given to the part of prayer of Muslims which was given to them by Allah Himself? A. Nafl. B. Farz. C. Kusuf. D. Asr
21. All religions agree that mankind is a steward of the earth and that mankind has to……………………… A. Care for the earth. B. Farm on the earth. C. Build on the earth. D. Make fertile the earth
22. A religious leader in Islam is called…………………… A. Imam. B. Mallam. C. Sheikh. D. Alhaji
23. In the absence of pure water for ablution, a Muslim can purify himself by means of …………………… A. Tayammum. B. Wudu. C. Ghusi. D. Azan
24. Which of the following practice may cause sickness? A. Throwing rubbish anyhow. B. Washing dirty clothes. C. Boiling untreated water. D. Running household chores
25. All the religions in Ghana believe in………………… A. The Supreme God. B. The Bible. C. Jesus Christ. D. The Rain God
26. Muslims last respect to the dead is by……………….. A. Offering janaza. B. Dressing the corpse. C. Burial without a coffin. D. Sacrificing a ram
27. “Train the child the way he should go and when he grows, he will. A. Be wise as a serpent”. B. Fear the Lord”. C. Be a great person”. D. Not Depart from it”
28. To show regret for a behavior means………………………. A. Reconciliation. B. Faithfulness. C. Honesty. D. Repentance
29. In Islam a Muslim must offer prayer……………………. A. Three times daily. B. Four times daily. C. Six times daily. D. Five times daily
30. Salat without ablution is………………….. A. Legit. B. Genuine. C. Valid. D. Invalid
31. A lesson from the fall of man is that we should. A. Love all equally. B. Take instruction from people. C. Continue doing good. D. Be obedient to our leaders
32. The titles attached to the name of God are known as. A. Symbols. B. God names. C. Guy names. D. Attributes
33. Rules and regulations are there to ensure………… A. Freedom for all. B. That people misbehave. C. That people work hard. D. Good behavior from people
34. As a member of a religious group, your most important responsibility is to………………….. A. Sweep the meeting place always. B. Attend meeting always. C. Pray always. D. Obey rules and regulations of the religion always.
35. The best way to pray during worship is to………… A. Climb Atwea Mountains. B. Remove your sandals and kneel down. C. Speak in tongues. D. Be humble and sincere
36. In Islam God is called “Al Razak” which means the. A. Preserver. B. Provider. C. Controller. D. Giver of light.
37. All the following are qualities of a family head except. A Very firm. B. Dishonest. C. Old enough. D. Morally upright
38. All the following are reasons why there is the need to practice the moral teaching derived from worship except A. So that people in the society can trust us. B. To be able to escape death. C. To become responsible people in life. D. To be able to overcome immorality
40. The highest authority in a community is the. A. Assemblyman. B. Chief. C. President. D. MP
READ: BECE RME Trial Test for JH3 students (Test 1)
BECE RME Trial Test for JH3 students (Test 2)
Answer only one question from this section
1a. Explain the following Islamic terms. (I) Ablution. ii) Tayammum. (ii) Salat. iv) Jumah b. Mention three (3) things that spoils Ablution
c. State three (3) importance of Ablution
2a. Give three (3) difference between religious songs and non-religious b. Mention four (4) moral significance of religious songs c. write on the concept of creation of the following i) Islamic religion ii) Christian religion
3a. List and explain four (4) types of prayers you Know. b. Mention four (4) reasons why people pray
Answer only one question from this section
4a. Mention five (5) ways of showing decency in dressing b. Give five (5) reasons why pupils should dress decently.
5a. Mention four (4) good eating habitsb. Mention four (4) reasons why we should practice good eating habits. C. Give four (4) dangers of overeating.
6a. Mention five (5) reasons why it is important to greet b. State any five(5) bad manners in your community
Answer only one question from this section
7a. State five (5) roles parents play in the nuclear family b. Give any five (5) advantages of belonging to the extended family.
8a. Give five (5) reasons why rules and regulations are important in your community. b. State five (5) consequences of anger you know.