2023 School Placement Checkers: How To Buy At Super Cheap Price
The GES is expected to release the school placements this week, but the question is, do you know how to buy valid but super cheap 2023 school placement checkers?
The school placement checker prices sighted online currently range between GHS15.00 and GHS20.00. But the question is, why buy a school placement checker for GHS20? Where can you get it far cheaper than that?
To buy the school placement checker at a reasonable price, do some quick window shopping online and compare the prices before you make a rush decision. If you buy a school placement checker at anything above GHS 18.00, you have been duped.
As soon as the GES releases the placement checkers for sale, we shall reveal to the general public one of the most reliable sources of result checkers. This company also sells at a moderate price and at a super low price to those who want to buy in bulk.
Buying 2023 School Placement Checkers is also easy. Most sellers deliver the checker via SMS, email, and WhatsApp. Delays may occur if there is a shortage at the time you purchase. In some instances, the high number of buyers paying for the service online may lead to delays in receiving the result checker since the entire selling process is not automated.
In a related development, WAEC has held a number of meetings with the 22,270 BECE candidates who took the 2023 edition of the BECE. The scripts of these students are under scrutiny. The investigations started on November 21, 2023. If WAEC does not complete its investigations ahead of the school placement, these students will not be placed.
How to check your 2023 school placement at cssps.gov.gh
1. Visit the school placement portal
2. Click on check placement
3. Enter your Index number
4. Enter your 10 digit E-voucher pin and
5. Enter your 5 digit pin code
6. Click on proceed and wait a few minutes for the next window to display your school placement.
How to do self-placement at cssps.gov.gh
1. Visit the computer school placement portal
2. Then select the check placement module on the left-hand side
3. Enter your BECE Index Number (eg. 100000000022) and
4. Enter your 10 digit E-voucher pin and
5. Enter your 5 digit pin code
6. Click on Proceed to be redirected to the self-placement module
When redirected successfully to the Self-placement module, you will be provided with a selection of schools to pick from based on the aggregate or grade you had in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).
7. Choose carefully your desired second cycle school
8. Choose your residential preference (Day/Boarding).
9. Select your programme of choice
10. After doing all the necessary checks, confirm and print. Remember that once you have completed the selection process it can not be undone or changed
How to check the school placement