2023 BECE Social Studies Topic Predictions, Questions With Correct and Wrong Answers
2023 BECE Social Studies Predictions (Questions With Correct and Wrong Answers) have been provided here. It comes with all topics projected for the 2023 BECE in August. Use this to revise for the social studies paper.
2023 BECE Social Studies Predictions (Questions With Correct and Wrong Answers)
Answering questions
The table below summarizes how questions are answered for more marks.
Question statement | Steps | Type of essay |
Outline/account(12-20 marks) | 1. Define the topic
2. Write introduction with answers 3. Explain answers in a paragraph with examples 4. Conclude essay |
Explanations |
Explain, describe (12-
20marks) |
1. Define the topic
2. Write introduction with answers 3. Explain answers in a paragraph with examples 4. Conclude essay |
Explanations |
Suggest (12-20 marks) | 1. Define the topic
2. Write introduction with answers 3. Explain answers in a paragraph with examples 4. Conclude essay |
Explanations |
In what— (12-20marks) | 1. Define the topic
2. Write introduction with answers 3. Explain answers in a paragraph with examples Conclude essay |
List, name (1-6 marks) | Mere mention | Points |
State, mention (2-10 marks) | Answers in sentences | Sentences |
Define (2marks) | Definition, examples and types | Definition |
What is—(4marks) | 1. Define
2. Explain definition 3. Give examples and types |
Meaning |
2023 BECE Social Studies Predictions (Questions With Correct and Wrong Answers)
Learn from 2017 past questions to 2022. You will get more than 20 questions in 2022.
- Explain the meaning of the environment/what is the
environment/describe environment.
- Outline/Explain/Describe/Highlight/Account four importance of the environment
Answer script A (poor answering of question)
- Environment refers to our the physical and social surroundings
- Food
- Raw material
iii. Home for organisms
- Medicine
Answer script b (correct answering of question)
- Environment refers to our physical and social surroundings. The physical surroundings include all the things we can see, feel and touch. Examples are; the land, water bodies, vegetation and more. The social environment deals with the interpersonal relationships among people in their societies. Examples are; festivals, language, music and dance. Indeed the environment is the immediate contact of mankind.
- Environment refers to our physical and social surroundings. There are several importance of the environment. Some of the importance of
environment are; provision of food, source of raw materials, home for organism and provision of medicine. Below are the details of the importance of the environment.
The first importance of the environment is the provision of food. The environment provides us with food. All the foods we eat are obtained from the environment. Examples of plants foods are vegetables, root tubers and animal foods are beef, pork etc. These foods help us to grow and obtained energy to work.
In addition, the environment serves us the source of raw material. The environment helps us to get things needed for production. Some of the materials are used to manufacture artifacts that aid us in transport, communication, cooking and many more. Examples of raw material provided by the environment are; timber, gold, soil, etc.
More importantly, the environment is the home for organisms. The environment provides a dwelling place for organisms to live. These places provide security and safety to multiply. Some of the organisms live on tree, land and water. Examples include; man, animals etc.
Finally, we get medicine from the environment. The environment helps us to get medicine to cure diseases we face as mankind. We get these medicines from herbs, plants and other organisms. The medicines help us to stay healthy and strong.
To conclude, the importance of the environment are; food, raw materials, home and medicine in that help in the survival of mankind.
Sample answer script 2
- Define productivity
- State four (4) factors affecting the productivity
Answer script A (poor answering)
- Productivity is output per man’s hour.
- i. technology
- Education
iii. Supervision
iv.conditions of work
Answer script 2(correct answering)
Productivity is output per man’s hour. It means what one can do at any given time given the needed resources and technology. For instance a person who can weed a plot of land in one hour is more productive than someone weeding a plot of land in 2 days if they all use the same resources and technology. Productivity is needed in every place where work is done.
- Technology can affect productivity eg. Using computer at the workplace
- Productivity can be affected by education eg. Learning carpentry
- Supervision affects productivity
- Conditions of work affects productivity eg. Fatty salary
There will be three sections
This section has been divided into two parts; physical environment and social environment
- The environment and its challenges
- Mapping our environment
- Ghana my country
- Culture
- Adolescence
- Culture
- Adolescence
- The environment and challenges
- Ghana my country
- Significant features on earth
Order of importance(topics)
2023 | 1. Environment and problems 2. Culture and change
3. Mapping our environment 4. Adolescent reproductive health 5. Ghana my country 6. Significant features on earth |
The two questions under this section will come from;
- Social environment and physical environment
- All social environment
Questions are set from the two parts, one question from each section. The easiest way is to learn the social environment
- Culture
- Adolescence
Question 1
- What is culture?
Suggested answer
Culture is a way of life of people in a given community. This means, the way people do things in a particular manner in a community. Culture can be material and non-material. Material aspect of culture deals with the tangible part of culture such as cloths and tools. Non-material culture also deals with
the aspect of culture that are not tangible. They include; dance, music, language and many more.
- Explain four ways by which Ghanaians expressed their Ghanaian culture Suggested answer
The ways by which Ghanaians express their culture are below.
Firstly, Ghanaians expressed their culture through the celebration of festivals. Ghanaians show a lot of their culture at the time of festivals celebrations. During festivals celebrations, drumming, dancing, singing, dressings and many more artefacts of Ghanaians are showcased. These items portray our way of life as a people and make us unique. As a result, children are able to learn from them and get socialized to make the culture of the people generational. Consequently, the elements of our culture are maintained for future generations. It is a fact that Ghanaians expressed their culture through festivals.
In addition, Ghanaians expressed their culture through their languages. Most languages in Ghana show the culture of the people. The elements of almost the languages among the ethnic groups in the country show what they are. These languages show the beliefs, the character and passion of the people of the country. For instance, all languages carry proverbs which are full of the customs of the people. As these people speak the languages, the customs are passed on to the younger generations. As a result of this, the younger generations will be able to move along with the local language and the customs in it and preserve them. In all, language can be used to express the culture of the people.
Again, Ghanaians expressed their culture through the food they eat. We can easily identify ethnic groups in Ghana through their food. All the ethnic groups in Ghana have their distinct food. For example; the main food for the Akan is fufu, that of Ga and
Fante is Kenkey, Ewe is Akple and many more. These foods show the way of life of the people. Some even have the origin of their foods which show the cultural route of the people. As a result, eating those traditional foods will help to showcase our culture. This will lead to proper socialization of our children to accept our culture and preserve them. Finally, Ghanaians express their culture through dressing. Most ethnic groups in Ghana showcase their culture by their clothes they wear. The clothes they wear show whom they are as people. For instance, the ethnic groups in the northern regions of
Ghana wear smock(batakari), kente is popular among the ethnic groups in southern Ghana such as Akan, Ewe, Fante, and many more. These dressings are full of cultural symbols showing the origin of the people as well as their beliefs and customs. As a result, wearing these cloths will make the younger generation know and learn the elements of our culture and preserve them. Our dressings say a lot about our culture as people in Ghana.
To conclude, Ghanaians express their culture through festivals, language, food and dressing.
Question 6
- Explain
- Dynamic culture
Suggested answer
Dynamic culture is the type of culture that continuously re-examines its way of life and makes constant changes to keep the culture in line with the need of modern times. This means that, dynamic cultures make people reflect and examine their own culture and make the necessary changes in their way of life and maintain and shape the good ones to meet the modern trend in the society. With dynamic culture, people learn other cultures, adapts and associates the good parts of other cultures to its own in order to make its own culture stronger. Some of the factors for dynamic culture are; education, lifelong learning and more.
- Cultural assimilation
Cultural assimilation is the practice by which societies adopt or absorb aspects or whole of other societies or country’s cultures. This means that the society pick the whole or part of another society way of life and practice them to benefit them. At times they do practice their culture and that of the assimilated culture at the same time. For example, the adoption of English Language as official language of Ghana instead of Ghanaian Language.
- Parallel culture
Parallel culture refers to the practice whereby two ways of doing things are adopted by a society while only one could suffice. This means, parallel culture is the two ways of doing the same thing whereby only one could be done. Instance of a parallel culture is performing the traditional marriage rites and church wedding by the same couples.
Question 7
- What is superstition
Suggested answer
Superstition is the belief and fear of certain events which cannot be proven or explained. This means that superstition is the belief in customs which are not scientifically proven. They do not have any method to ascertain the facts of them. Some of the superstitions include belief in; curses, juju, magic, witchcrafts and many more.
- State four sources of superstitious beliefs
Suggested answer
- A source of superstition is African movie
- A source of superstition is myth
- A source of superstition is taboo
- Ignorance is a source of superstition
- State four negative effects of superstitions
Suggested answers
- Superstition slows down growth and development
- Superstition leads to abuse of human rights
- Superstition leads to irrational fear
- Superstition reduces scientific and critical thinking.
Question 8
- What is cultural change
Suggested answer
Cultural change means adaptation and shift in social, economic and general cultural life of the people in a given society to be able to cope with development around them. This means that, culture keeps on changing over time. The culture of a society 200 years ago is different from the culture of the same society now. Culture can be changed due to internal and external factors. The internal factors may come from change of mind or inventions in new ways of doing things. Also, the external factors come with influence of foreign actors such as religion and education. Cultural change is the main way to develop as a society.
- Explain four factors responsible for cultural change
Suggested answer
The four factors responsible for cultural change are below.
Firstly, education is responsible for cultural change. Education has positively changed the culture many societies. As more people are educated, they are made aware and learn new ways of doing things. Some of the people will change their outmoded culture and adopt better ways of life. For instance, educated people think scientifically and always deal with things in factual ways rather than superstition. As a result, these societies will be able to progress in their ways of life leading to progress in their society. Education is the main contributor of cultural change in Ghana. Another factor responsible for cultural change is trade. Trading activities can influence the culture of the people. People who travel for trading activities are exposed to new ways of doing things. Some of them are exposed to new food, new language and new dressing. As a result, these people copy the new ways of doing things and practice them. Consequently, some of the people who trade change their culture for better. We can see that trade is responsible for cultural change In addition, influence of foreign religion causes cultural change. People who get expose with foreign religion can change their way of doing things. As they learn more teachings and practices of their new religion, they start to question the way they do things. As a result, they find the bad sides of their practices and customs and stop them. In effect, these people will be following their new religion and customs deem best for them. Therefore, the introduction foreign religion leads to change of culture of the people.
Finally, inter-marriages cause cultural change. People who marry partners from different ethnic background are exposed to different cultures. The partners are exposed to languages, foods, cloths and many more of each other’s background. For instance, they will learn to speak the language of each other, eat each other food, wear each other cloth and many more. As a result, they learn new ways of doing things leading them to change their way of life. The fact is that inter-marriages leads to cultural change.
In conclusion, education, trade, foreign religion and inter-marriages are responsible for cultural change.
Question 9
- What are outmoded cultural practices?
Outmoded cultural practices are customs and traditions of a group of people in the society that have lost their usefulness and need to be changed or abolished. This means that, those cultures infringe upon the rights of the people and caused pain or discomfort to the people. They are against the normal living of the people. Some of the cultural practices are; tribal marks, Female Genital Mutilation, Trokosi system and many more.
- List four examples of outmoded cultures in Ghana
- Tribal marks
- Female genital mutilation
iii. Cruel widowhood rites
- Trokosi system
- Witch camps
- Human sacrifice
- Explain four effects of outmoded culture
The four effects of outmoded culture are below.
Firstly, human rights abuse is an effect of outmoded culture. Peoples rights are infringed during the practice of outmoded cultures. The people are passed through inhuman treatment which are against their will.
Some of the cultures cause bodily pain to the people. Not only that but also, but also must people are denial freedom of movement and education. For instance, Trokosi system restrict the freedom of movement and right to education. Also, female genital mutilation causes pains which may lead to death. As a result, the people who suffer from such abuse are left out in the society. In effect, these people are unable to sustain their lives and progress in the society. Rights of the people are abused due to outmoded cultural practices.
In addition, outmoded cultural practices causes health problems. People may get diseases from outmoded cultures. Due to unsterilized instruments used in the practice of outmoded cultural practices, sexual transmitted diseases may spread from one person to another. As they keep on using the same instruments on the people, sexual transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS may be infested by the people. As a result, the infested people will be hospitalized. Consequently, the infested persons may die leading loss of man power of the nation. It is therefore a fact that outmoded cultural practices spread diseases.
Moreover, outmoded cultural practices leads low productivity of the country. The output level of the country could be reduce for practicing outmoded cultures. As people practice these cultures, they are denial the time and energy to work. This may reduce what they contribute to their workplace and the nation at large. Also, most people may die through contraction of diseases and physical pain. For instance, practices like widowhood rite expect the victims to stay indoors for some number of days. This may reduce their contribution to the output level in the country. As a result, the growth level of the country will be stagnated. In effect, there will be low savings and investments in the country. These would in turn raise the level of poverty in the country. Indeed, outmoded cultural practices reduces the productivity of the country.
Finally, outmoded cultural practices portrays the country negatively to the rest of the world. Outmoded cultural practices project the country badly. Some practices such as female genital mutilation, widowhood rites and trokosi system tell bad things to the world about the country. As we keep on doing these bad practices, the western countries such as USA, France and many more may not that us serious. This can be
explained by the fact that, they see us for violating the rights of our citizens. As a result, most investors would refuse to come to the country to invest in profitable ventures in the country. In effect, the country’s development would slow down leading to increase in poverty levels of the people in the country. Our country Ghana is projected negatives due bad cultural practices of the people.
To conclude, outmoded cultural practices could lead to the abuse of human rights, spread of diseases, low productivity and negative projection of the country.
Question 10
- State four benefits of superstition 8marks
- Superstition helps to protect and preserve the environment. Example taboos
- Superstition helps to controls social and good morals
- Superstition brings about social cohesion and unity
- It helps to provide rest to people like fishermen, farmers, hunters, etc.
- State four reasons for parallel culture 8marks 1. Parallel culture promotes peaceful co-existence in the country 2. Parallel culture helps the people in the country to enjoy freedom of worship
- Parallel culture promotes national integration in the country 4. Parallel culture can help promote health care delivery in the country
- Outline four reasons why parallel culture is not necessary 8marks 1. Parallel culture is too expensive
- Parallel culture is a waste of time
- Parallel culture is sometimes frustrating and difficult
- Parallel culture brings misunderstanding
- Outline four aspects of foreign culture which have been assimilated in Ghanaians 8marks
- Foreign religion has been assimilated
- Ghana has assimilated foreign languages
- Most Ghanaians has assimilated foreign music
- Foreign marriage has been assimilated in Ghana
- State four reasons some societies develop faster than others 8marks 1. Some societies develop faster than others due to cultural assimilation 2. Some societies develop faster than others due to education 3. Some societies develop faster than others due to investment in research
- Some societies develop faster than others because of their visionary leaders
- State four reasons why people resist changes in their culture 8marks 1. They resist the changes because the changes were not in line with their culture
- The people are of their gods and ancestors for the change 3. People resist changes because they are ignorant
- People resist changes because they are simply conservatives which want to continue their tradition.
Question 10
- What is meant by the term population
Population refers to the number of people living in a specific geographic area at a specific time. This means that, population is the head count of the people in a particular area at given time. Population of a country is estimated usually ten years. It is done in a process called population census. The estimated population of Ghana in 1997 was about 18 million. In the year 2000, the population was 18.4 million.
- What are the factors responsible for population growth?
The factors responsible for population growth are below.
Firstly, birth rate influences population growth. The number of births per thousand of the population can cause population to growth in either a negative or positive rate. As the number birth per thousand of the population increases due to better health care services. As a result, more new birth will be added to the existing population leading to increase in the population of the country. Also, as the number per thousand of the population decrease due to poor health services, there will be a decrease in the population the country. It is a fact that, birth rate influences population growth.
In addition, death rate influences population growth. The number of death per thousand of the population can cause the population of a country to increase or decrease. As the number of deaths per thousand of the population increases, the population will decrease for things being equal. Also, as the number of deaths per thousand of the population decreases, there will be an increase in the population of that country. High death rate may come as a result of poor health care systems, natural disaster, outbreak of diseases and many more. Besides, low death rate may be attributed to good health systems, absence of natural disasters and many more. It is clear to note that, death rate influences population of a country.
Moreover, migration can influence the population of a country. The movement of people from and into the country may influence the population of the country. As more people move into the country than leaving, the population of the country will increase. This is so because the immigrants will add to the existing population. Again, as more people move out of the country than coming in, the population the country will decrease. These emigrants will take away from the existing population of the country. It is therefore clear that migration influence population growth.
Finally, a factor responsible for population growth is fertility rate. The ability for the people especially women to give birth in a country may increase or decrease the population that country. In the case where women are liable to give birth to more children in the country, the population of that country will increase. This is so because, more children will be given birth to be added to the existing population leading to increase in the population of that country. Also, as the number of people especially women are not capable to give birth to more children in the country, the population of that country will decrease in that, the number of children adding to the existing population will be less. It therefore a fact that, fertility rate affect the population of a country.
In conclusion, birth rate, death rate , migration and fertility rate affect the population of a country.
- Explain the effects of high population growth
The effects of high population growth are below.
Firstly, high population growth leads to pressure on social amenities. Increase in a country’s population may put pressure on the social amenities in the country. As more people are added to the existing population, the usage of the social amenities such as electricity, hospital, water and the likes will increase. As a result, there will be damage of such facilities. In effect, the government will have to get more revenue to augment the existing facilities. It is a fact that, population growth put pressure on social amenities in the country.
In addition, high rate of unemployment is an effect of high population growth. Most people in the country will be jobless when population of the country increases. As more and more people are added to the population, the number of youths who will be ready for employment will be more than the available job opportunities in the country. As a result, the youths cannot get money to take care of themselves. Consequently, the unemployed youths will become dependent on their families. This may increase poverty
levels of people in the country. We can conclude that; high rate of unemployment is an affect of high population growth.
Again, depletion of natural resources is an effect of high population growth. The natural resources of the country may be destroyed and over-exploited due to increase in population. As the population of the country increases, more money may be needed to meet the growing demand for financial resources to help the country. As a result, the country will over-exploit the resources. In effect, the land will be degraded leading to natural disasters and the spread of diseases. We can say for a fact that, high population growth leads to depletion of the natural resources of the country. Finally, high population leads to increase in crime waves. Many people engage in criminal activities as population of the country increases. A rise in population may lead to a lot of joblessness in the country. These unemployed people will stick various bad activities to earn a living. For instance, many young girls engage in prostitution to be able to meet their financial obligations. Also, some engage in armed robbery to earn a living. As a result, there will be increase in in crimes in the country. Consequently, the youths of the country may be imprisoned leading a fall of active labour force of the country.
In conclusion, the effects of high population rate are; pressure on social amenities, high rate of unemployment, depletion of the country’s resources and increase in crime waves.
Question 11
- What is population growth
Population growth is the rate of change of the number of people living in a particular geographical area a given time. Population is usually measured in percentage. The rate which the population of a country changes can be positive or negative. A positive population growth entails the change which
brings about increase in the population. Also, a negative population growth rate brings about a decrease in the population.
Answers must be essays and sentences
- In what ways can the high population growth of Ghana be controlled Question 12
- What is rural-urban drift/migration
- Outline the causes of rural-urban migration
The cause of rural urban drift are below
Firstly, lack of jobs in the villages causes rural-urban drift
- What are the effects of rural –urban migration
- On the cities
- On the villages
- In what ways can rural –urban migration be controlled?
o Rainfall: formation, importance,
o Solar system: rotation, revolution, eclipse, seasons, how day and night occurs
o Rocks: formations, types, importance, characteristics
o Structure of the earth: diagram, descriptions, etc.
o Oceans
o Continents
Question 13
- Describe the solar system
- Name the planets in the solar system in order of their distance from the sun c. Explain the following
- Rotation of earth
- Revolution of the earth
(i) Rotation of the earth is the spinning or turning of the earth on its own axis from West to East. The earth takes 24 hours to complete on its rotation. This means that, every 15 degrees the earth rotates 1 hour. The rotation of the earth causes day and night.
(ii) The revolution of the earth is the movement of the earth on its orbit around the sun. The earth completes its revolution in 365 and quarter days. This means that one revolution makes one year. The revolution of the earth causes the seasons of the earth.
- State three effects each of;
- Rotation of the earth
- Revolution of the earth
Question 14
- Describe with appropriate diagrams the types of eclipse
- Describe how day and night occurred
Question 15
- Describe the formation of rainfall
- With the aid of diagram describe the types of rainfall
- State four importance of rainfall
Question 16
- What are rocks
- State and explain the three types of rocks
- Outline the economic importance of rocks
- State three properties of rocks
Question 17
- Make a sketch of the structure of earth
- Briefly explain;
- The core of earth
- The crust of the earth
- List the continents of the world
- List the oceans of the world
Key facts to learn
o Compass: diagram, parts, showing direction o Scale, types, examples
Question 18
- Define the following
- Scale
- Compass
iii. Mapping
- Contour line
- State and explain the types of scale
- Sketch and label the eight points on a compass d. Describe how a map is drawn
Question 19
The diagram represents a school field
D CA 100 km B
If the scale of the actual field is 1:10,000
- Calculate the length and width of the field
- Calculate the area of the field
- Draw the field using the scale
If the scale of the field changes to 1:5000,
- Find the new length and width
- Draw the new filed
- What can you say of the two field?
Key facts
o Rivers
o Drainage
o Relief
o Equatorial regions
o Vegetation
o National integration
Question 20
- Mention five national symbols that unite Ghanaians
- List the ten regions of Ghana and provide their capital towns Question 21
- What is national unity/integration
- Outline the ways by which national unity can be achieved in the country c. Explain four reasons for national unity
Question 22
- List five minerals mined in Ghana and provide the towns where they are mined
- Describes four(4) economic importance of minerals to Ghana c. Explain four problems associated with mining of minerals in Ghana d. State four problems of mining in Ghana
Question 23
- Give six examples of drainage features and indicate them on the map of Ghana
- Outline four importance of drainage features
- In what four ways can water bodies be destroyed
- State four ways of protecting the water bodies in the country Question 24
- List four examples of highlands in Ghana
- Describe the economic importance of highlands to Ghana c. State four benefits of lowlands
Question 24
- On outline map of Ghana show and learn
- The ten administrative regions in Ghana
- The equatorial regions in Ghana
iii. The vegetation in Ghana
- The two seasons in Ghana
Very highly likely ;about 99.99% chance
Key facts to learn
- Definitions
- Types of land degradation
- Causes, effects, solutions
- Desertification/desert encroachment-causes, effects, solution • Erosion, bush fire, etc
Question 25
- What is environment
- Outline four(4) importance of the environment to man Question 26
- What is environmental degradation
- Describe four(4) activities of man that destroy the environment Question 27
- What is meant by land degradation
- Explain the causes of land degradation
- Highlight four (4 ) effects of land degradation
- Suggest four(4) measures to control land degradation Question 28
- Define water pollution
- Account for the causes of water pollution in the country c. State four (4) effects of water pollution
- Suggest four(4) measures to control water pollution Question 29
- Explain air pollution
- Explain the causes of air pollution
- Outline the effects of air pollution
- Suggest four measures to control air pollution
Question 30
- Define the following
- Deforestation
- Desertification
iii. Soil erosion
- Bush burning
- State four (4) causes of the environmental problems above
- Mention the effects of the environmental problems above d. Suggest the ways of controlling the environmental problems above
Key facts to learn/teach
Reproductive health
Irresponsible behaviors
Question 1
- Explain the following
- Adolescence
- Reproductive health
iii. Chastity
- Mention four(4) physical features each of an adolescent boys and girls c. State four emotional features of an adolescents
Question 2
- What is an adolescent irresponsible behavior
- Explain the causes of an adolescent irresponsible behavior c. Outline four effects of adolescent irresponsible behavior d. Suggest four measures can help control adolescent irresponsible behavior
Question 3
- What is chastity
- Explain four ways of living a chaste life
- Outline four benefits of chastity
- Discuss the effects of living immoral life
2023 BECE Social Studies Predictions (Questions With Correct and Wrong Answers)
Order of importance(topics)
Year | Question |
2023 | Citizenship
Constitution Road to independence Government and society Maintaining law and order Conflict |
- Citizenship
- Constitution
- Maintaining law and order, conflict
- Road to independence
- Government and society
- Promoting political stability
This part is divided into two;
- History
- Government
- Ghana as a nation
- The road to independence and nationhood
- Citizenship and human rights
- Constitution and how we are governed
- Maintaining law and order in our community
Question 31
- What is migration of ethnic group
- Explain the reasons why ethnics groups migrated into the country Question 32
- Mention the five major ethnic groups in Ghana
- Outline the reason why Ghana is considered to be a cosmopolitan country Question 33
- What is ethnicity/ethnocentrism
- Outline four effects of tribalism
- How can we control ethnicity in Ghana
Question 34
- What is colonization
- Explain four positive effects of colonization
- Outline four negative effects of colonization on Ghana
Question 35
- Explain the method used by the British to colonize west Africa b. Describe the reasons why the British colonize Gold Coast
- Suggest four reasons why the British came into Gold Coast Question 36
- Describe the bond of 1844
- State four elements in the bond of 1844
- Mention four effects of the bond of 1844
Question 37
- Describe the Sagrenti war of 1874
- State four causes of the Sagrenti war
- Mention four effects of the Sagrenti war
Question 38
- Describe the poll tax ordinance of 1852
- State four reasons for the poll tax ordinance
- Mention four reasons for the failure of the poll tax ordinance of 1852 Question 39
- Describe the Yaa Asantewaah war of 1900
- State the causes of the Yaa Asantewaah war
- Mention four effects of the Yaa Asantewaah war
Question 40
- Briefly describe the 1948 riots
- State four causes of the 1948 riots
- Mention four effects of the 1948 riot
Question 41
- Briefly explain the Watson commission
- State four recommendations made by the Watson commission
Question 42
- Write brief history and achievements of the following i. Sir Allan burns
- Sir Guggisburg
iii. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
- State three causes of the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah as president c. Sate four qualities of Kwame Nkrumah which can be emulated
2023 BECE Social Studies Predictions (Questions With Correct and Wrong Answers)
Question 43
- Who are the founding leaders
- Mention five of the founding leaders of Ghana
- Mention the members of the big six
Question 44
- What is common goal
- Outline the contents of the common goal of Ghana.
Question 45
- What is citizenship
- Outline the ways by which one can become the citizen of a country Question 46
- Who is a citizen?
- Explain four functions of a Ghanaian citizen
Question 47
- Explain the meaning of human right
- Mention four types of human rights
- List four examples of human rights
Question 48
- What is meant by human right abuse?
- Explain four reasons why people suffer from human right abuse c. List five examples of human right abuses
- In what ways can human right abuse can be controlled/prevented
- What is constitution?
- Outline four importance of a constitution
- State four features of a good law
- State the steps used in drafting the constitution of Ghana Question 50
- Explain the following concept
- Separation of powers
- Rule of law
iii. Checks and balances
- State four advantages of separation of powers
- State four disadvantages of separation of powers d. In what ways can rule of law be achieved
- Define the following
- Law
- Order
- In what four ways can law and order be achieved c. outline four importance of law and order
- In what ways can law and order be ensured in the i. Home
- School
iii. Community
Question 52
- Define the following
- Conflict
- Conflict prevention
iii. Conflict management
- Explain the sources of conflicts in our community
Question 53
- Explain four effects of conflict
- Explain four ways of managing conflicts
- State four ways of preventing conflicts
Question 54
- What is co-operation
- Outline the ways be which Ghana co-operate with other nations c. Explain the benefits of co-operation to Ghana
Question 55
- Mention five international organization by which Ghana is a member b. Explain the benefits Ghana derived from being a member of such organizations
- In what ways do Ghana help some international organizations d. State four disadvantages of co-operation
- What is democracy
- Explain four features of democracy
Question 57
- What is political stability
- Highlight four ways by which political stability can be achieved Question 58
- What is political instability
- Explain four causes of political instability
- Outline four effects of political instability on the country Question 59
- What is democratic government
- Outline the importance of democracy
- Explain four disadvantages of democracy
Question 60
- Define the following
- Government
- Society
- Describe the structure of government at
- The national level
- Regional level
iii. District level
- Area level
- Outline the functions of the
- Assemblyman
- District chief executive
Question 61
- Outline four ways by which the districts assembly finance their projects b. Explain four problems facing the district assembly
- Suggest the solutions to the problems of the district assembly Question 62
- Outline the functions of the
- The executive
- Judiciary
iii. Legislature
- Differentiate between voting and election
- Outline the importance of voting
- Explain the functions of government
2023 BECE Social Studies Predictions (Questions With Correct and Wrong Answers)
Order of importance(topics)
Year | Question |
2023 | Managing finances
Entrepreneurship Education, training and productivity Resources Problems of development |
This part is divided into two parts namely; social and economic development SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT
- Problems of development in Ghana
- Education, training and productivity
- resources
- Managing finances
- Entrepreneurship
Note: WAEC sets at least one question from each section; social and economic development.
- Problems of development
- Education and productivity
- Managing our finances
- Resources and production
These topics are scaled in order of importance; the first is the most likely and that order
Question 63
- Define
- Slum
- Layout
iii. Natural resources
- Outline the uses of land in the community
Question 64
- What is settlement
- Name and explain the types of settlement
- Explain the reasons why good layout is necessary
Question 65
- In what ways can we prevent slum development in Ghana b. Explain the effects of slums
Question 66
- What are natural resources
- Explain the economic importance of natural resources
Question 67
- What are resources
- State and explain the types of resources
- What are the importance of resources
Question 68
- Outline four reasons why natural resources are not efficiently utilized b. Outline the problems created by natural resources exploitations c. In what four ways can resources be efficiently be utilized
Question 69
- What is human resource
- Outline the importance of human resources
- Account for the reasons why human resource are not efficiently utilized Question 70
In what five ways can human resource be developed?
Question 71
- What is production
- List and explain the types of production
- Explain four economic importance of production
Question 72
- What is primary production
- List four examples of primary production
- Outline the benefits of primary production
Question 73
- What are the problems facing primary production
- Suggest the ways by which primary production can be developed
2023 BECE Social Studies Predictions (Questions With Correct and Wrong Answers)
Question 74
- What is meant by secondary production/manufacturing industry b. Explain the economic importance of secondary production c. Describe the problems facing secondary production
Question 75
Outline the ways by which the secondary production can be promoted Question 76
- What is tertiary/services production
- Account for the importance of the services industry in Ghana Question 77
- What are the problems facing the services industry
- In what ways can tertiary production be promoted
Question 78
- Define a currency of a country
- State four ways of defacing a currency of a country
- State four ways handling the currency of a country properly Question 79
- What is savings
- Outline the ways/avenues of savings towards the future c. Explain the importance of savings
Question 80
Account for the problems created by poor handling of money in the country Other facts: insurance, social security, budget, processes and importance
Question 81
- Define the following
- Leisure
- Tourism
iii. Scenery
- List five tourist sites and the place they are located in the country c. Describe four economic importance of tourism in the country
Question 82
- Outline the reasons why people go on tour
- Describe the problems facing tourism in the country Question 83
- Give four reasons why Ghanaians do not show interest in tourism b. In what four ways can tourism be promoted in the country
Question 84
What are the negative effects of tourism in the country? EDUCATION AND PRODUCTIVITY
Question 85
- Explain the following
- Education
- Training
iii. Productivity
- What are the factors that can affect productivity of a country Question 86
- What is productivity
- Describe the reasons for low productivity at the work place c. Suggest the ways of improving the productivity at the work place
Question 87
- What is technology
- List four examples of technologies at the workplace
- Outline the importance of technology
Question 88
- Explain the following
- Entrepreneurship
- Enterprise
iii. Entrepreneur
- List the forms of enterprises in Ghana
- State the advantages and the disadvantages of the types of enterprises in Ghana
Question 89
- Explain the meaning of state enterprise
- Outline the reasons why the state owns some enterprises in the country c. Explain the problems facing the state enterprises
Question 90
- What roles do the state play to promote private enterprises in the country
- Suggest the solutions to the problems facing state enterprises Question 91
- Explain the meaning of private enterprise
- What roles should the private enterprises play to obtain government support
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Question 92
- What are the advantages of private enterprises
- Account for the problems facing the private enterprises in the country c. What are the disadvantages of the private enterprises
- What is economic development
- What are the factors responsible for economic development in Ghana Question 94
- List and explain some of the problems facing Ghana
- Suggest solutions to some of the problems facing the country Question 95
- Explain some of the social problems facing Ghana
- In what four ways can the problems be solved
Question 96
What account for the following in the country?
- Low agriculture
- High indebtedness
- Aid dependency
- Economic mismanagement
- Mal-nutrition
- High birth rate
- Low literacy rate
Question 97
- What are non-governmental organizations
- List five examples of NGO
- Outline the contributions of the NGO to Ghana
Question 98
- Explain four problems facing NGO
- Suggest solutions to the problems facing NGO
Question 99
- What is sustainable development
- Outline the ways of conserving the forest, water bodies, the land, timber Question 100
- Account for the ways of improving the health of Ghanaians b. Explain the ways of reducing foreign aid in the country
2023 BECE Social Studies Predictions (Questions With Correct and Wrong Answers)
Question 101
- Explain the concept of discipline
- List four examples of discipline acts of the youths
- State four benefits of discipline
Question 102
- Explain the meaning of indiscipline
- List and explain fives examples of indiscipline acts
- Outline the causes of indiscipline
Question 103
- Explain the effects of indiscipline
- Suggest ways of curbing indiscipline in the country