BECE Chief Examiner’s Report for Mathematics: Candidates Strength, Weakness And Recommendations
The BECE Chief Examiner’s Report for Mathematics is a piece of very important information for students preparing for the 205 BECE to June, 2025. Teachers handling the subject must take it even more serious if they are to cure the challenges that their students face in sealing with the subject.
The report provides clear details on the strength and weaknesses of candidates in the Mathematics paper.
In addition, the BECE Chief Examiner’s Report for Mathematics explains the strength of students in the previous which must be emulated by those preparing for the next BECE examination
BECE Chief Examiner’s Report for the Mathematics for 2025 Candidates: Candidates’ Strengths, Weakness, And Recommendations
Candidates showed strengths in the following areas:
(a) solving set problems;
(b) algebraic factorization;
(c) ratio problem relating to sharing;
(d) solving problems on vectors;
(e) solving problems on frequency distribution table.
Candidates’ weaknesses were found in the following areas:
(a) applying laws of indices to simplify given expression;
(b) clearing fraction and solving of linear equation;
(c) solving word-problems;
(d) finding rule of a given mapping;
(e) simplifying fractions and converting to the nearest whole numbers.
BECE Chief Examiner’s Report for Mathematics; SUGGESTED REMEDIES
(a) Teachers should use activities, Teaching and Learning Materials and involve students in teaching concepts and solving examples.
(b) Candidates should be encouraged and motivated by teachers and parents to practice what they have been taught.
(c) Candidates should be given enough exercises on their areas of weaknesses.
READ: 2023 WASSCE Elective Maths Mock Questions and Answers (Pay and Download)
We have no doubt that this post on BECE Chief Examiner’s Report for Mathematics:shared here along with the Candidate’s Strength, Weakness And Recommendations will go a long way to help candidates to prepare for the BECE.