How to Answer BECE 2023 Social Studies Questions -ExamHall

As candidates and schools prepare for the upcoming junior High School leaving exam, let us guide you on how to Answer BECE 2023 Social Studies Questions. By following this guide and mastering it, you should pass the Social Studies paper without sweating. You can choose to answer questions anyhow and ignore these tips and fail as well.

How to Answer BECE 2023 Social Studies Questions

The table below summarizes how questions are answered for more marks.


Outline/Account Question Types

These questions often carry between 12–20 marks and require candidates to provide some important details in their answers. Failure to provide them will lead to failure, no matter how much you write. Remember that you need to explain more in this kind of question 

When you are answering such a question, consider the following

  1. Define the topic
  2. Write an introduction with answers
  3. Explain answers in a paragraph with examples
  4. Provide a good conclusion for the essay



Explain and describe question types

When you are tasked to answer such a question. Often, the marks are allocated between 12–20 marks. Follow the guide below to score full marks.

  1. Define the topic
  2. Write an introduction with answers
  3. Explain answers in a paragraph with examples
  4. Provide a good conclusion for the essay


Suggest Questions with 12–20 marks allocated

  1. Define the topic
  2. Write an introduction with answers
  3. Explain answers in a paragraph with examples
  4. Provide a good conclusion for the essay


In what Question types — (12-20marks)

  1. Define the topic
  2. Write an introduction with answers
  3. Explain answers in a paragraph with examples
  4. Conclude the essay

List, or name questions with 1–6 marks

This question demands that you merely mention points. However, be careful if it last list and the answers are ordinarily in sentence form. In such an instance, you have to write simple sentences that contain the relevant facts.

List five rivers in Ghana is different from list the benefits of rivers to Ghana.


State, mention (2-10 marks)

Write the answers in sentences. Sentences must not just mention facts but instead, provide further details.

Mention the dangers of bad cultural practices.

The question above is not for writing three-worded sentences. Write clear self-explaining sentences.

Define Questions carrying 2 marks

This question must be answered by first defining, then providing examples, and types if any.

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“What is questions” with 2-4marks

To score a good mark, define or explain the definition. Give examples and types


Question statement Steps Type of essay
1. Define the topic

2. Write introduction

with answers

3. Explain answers in a

paragraph with


4. Conclude essay

Explain, describe (12-


1. Define the topic

2. Write introduction

with answers

3. Explain answers in a

paragraph with


4. Conclude essay

Suggest (12-20 marks) 1. Define the topic

2. Write introduction

with answers

3. Explain answers in a

paragraph with


4. Conclude essay

In what— (12-20marks) 1. Define the topic

2. Write introduction

with answers

3. Explain answers in a

paragraph with


Conclude essay

List, name (1-6 marks) Mere mention Points
State, mention (2-10 marks) Answers in sentences Sentences
Define (2marks) Definition, examples and  types Definition
What is—(4marks) 1. Define

2. Explain definition

3. Give examples and





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